Contact Lenes


We have thousands of contact lenses on hand, and are committed to providing you optimal vision, comfort, convenience, and eye health for the following:

Nearsightedness, Farsightedness and Astigmatism

Our doctors will recommend the most appropriate lens to suit your needs and eye health, even if your prescription is severe. Our doctors take special interest in managing dry eye and allergy, which each can otherwise interfere with successful lens wear.

Presbyopia (The Need for Reading Glasses)

Drs. Fagedes and Garrity have one of the largest inventory of diagnostic multifocal lenses in Cincinnati, including the Soflens Multifocal, Acuvue Bifocal, Essential RGP Multifocal, and Tangent Streak RGP Multifocal.

Irregular Corneas

Due to eye disease such as keratoconus, pellucid marginal degeneration, or herpetic keratitis. Irregular corneas can also result after corneal surgery, such as laser vision correction, radial keratotomy, corneal transplantation. We use specialized diagnostic technology in prescribing these contact lenses.

Eye Color-Changing

You can now get an exceptionally natural look, whether for a subtle color enhancement to changing even the darkest eye color.
